Course curriculum

  • 1

    You Are Not Mean: Boundaries are important for healing

    • Course Intro

    • Disclaimer

    • Boundaries

    • What are boundaries?

    • Why are healthy boundaries so important?

    • I see you people pleasers

    • Tips to Setting Healthy Boundaries

    • 1. Slow…Things…Down

    • 2. Becoming Aware of…

    • 3. Making a list of priorities

    • 4. Stay on Topic

    • 5. Create Canned Responses/Plan Ahead

    • 6. Manage Your Expectations

    • 7. Practice with Safe Support

    • 8. Setting and Following Through with Consequences

    • Your Self-Worth Will Increase!

    • Wrapping Up

Join The Rising Beyond Community

If it feels like no one understands...

Heal in a curated community with other survivors. You will feel understood, believed and supported on your healing journey.


Creator of Rising Beyond Power and Control

Sybil Cummin

Hi, I'm Sybil Cummin, MA, LPC, ACS, creator of Rising Beyond Power and Control. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor who has specialized in working with victims and survivors of narcissistic abuse and domestic violence for the last decade, including the child victims in these families. In trying to close the gaps in support for victims and survivors, I have created a training website and in-person training opportunities for other mental health professionals and created online courses for continuing education for social workers on I have written an e-book on the subject, and I have run therapeutic support groups for victims of domestic violence since 2014. I most recently created Rising Beyond Power and Control, a community providing hope and support for women healing from domestic violence and narcissistic abuse where members gain access to online courses, resources, community forums, and group and individual support to aid in their healing journey. For more information on me or the Rising Beyond Community, go to